Leap of Faith – Success Stories

If you can attract into your reality
an example of someone acting on their joy
and being supported in their life by doing so,
that means you are capable of living it –
otherwise, you wouldn’t have been capable of perceiving it.

– Bashar/Darryl Anka

 leap_of_faithSo many people are working at jobs that they dislike or hate. They daydream about quitting and doing something they love – but they are afraid to take that leap of faith because they don’t think they can. They tell themselves that they have a mortgage, kids, debt, or they are too young or too old… In this series, you’ll meet people of all ages, backgrounds and walks of life who took a leap of faith, left the 9-to-5 world behind, to make a living by doing what they love. Whether you dream of changing jobs, starting up a business, or doing something you love – but stop yourself out of fear of the unknown – this series will inspire you along your own leap of faith journey – no matter which road you decide to take.

  Subscribe  Currently in production. Subscribe to receive notification of the release date.

Volume One, 8 interviews, 30 to 45 minutes each:

  1. From Microsoft Corporation Business Manager to Author, Publisher and Walking Journeys Leader – Mony Dojeiji of www.walkingforpeace.com
  2. From Insurance Manager to Intuitive Artist – Alberto Agraso of www.walkingforpeace.com
  3. From Government Procurement Officer to Lifestyle Photographer – Mathieu Louis-Seize and Ann Wen of www.greenteaphotography.com
  4. From Healthcare Research Program Manager to Urban Gourmet Sandwich Bar Owner – Jeff Stewart of www.pressed-ottawa.com
  5. From Personal Fitness Trainer to Hypnotherapist and Television Show Producer and Host – Damian Bertrand of www.damianbertrand.com
  6. From Actor/Entertainer to Social Entrepreneur of Fair Trade Organic Honey – Paul Whitney and Liz Connell of www.africanbronzehoney.com
  7. (Bonus Interview) From Bank of America Middle Manager to NFL Replacement Referee – Lance Easley of www.lanceeasley.com
  8. (Bonus Interview) From UCLA-trained Psychiatrist to Empath, Clairvoyant and Alternative Healer – Dr. Eve of www.EveSpiritSpeaks.com

“Leap of Faith” – What I Discovered

When I was in university in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, I landed a summer student job as a tour guide of a historic site called the Artillery Park. Back then, I had to wear a uniform, which I didn’t like. Since the pay was excellent, I just accepted it. I made up my mind that when I finished school, I would one day get an office job where I could dress professionally, wear suits, and attend meetings all day long. However, years later, when I was actually working in an office, I found that I didn’t like it as much as I thought I would. In fact, I grew tired of going to the same place and talking with the same people day in and day out. I wanted to make a change, but didn’t know how.

The trouble was, I couldn’t just quit my job: I had a mortgage, car payment, debt – and of course I wanted to keep eating every day. I felt trapped. So, I did the next best thing. I decided to talk to people who had already done what I wanted to do. People who had taken a leap of faith and left the 9-to-5 world behind to make a living doing what they loved. I wanted to understand what gave them the courage to walk away from a steady paycheque in favour of the unknown. What I discovered surprised me.

I discovered that the people with whom I spoke had a different mindset. They simply thought differently than most other people. When it came right down to it, each of the people to whom I spoke weren’t following or listening to other people or “experts”; they followed the guidance they received from within. They followed their highest excitement. Surprisingly, that feeling led them to adopt beliefs which gave them the confidence to take a leap of faith, keep going, and do what they love for a living.

It was then that I realized that there wasn’t a specific set of beliefs or habits that you had to adopt in order to become successful. You have to adopt your own unique set of beliefs that make sense to you, in your own mind. For each person, those beliefs will be different. Once you identify and adopt your own powerful beliefs, you will then carry within you the internal fuel you need to propel yourself forward without fear, while trusting in a force that is far more intelligent and powerful than you can imagine.